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Hello my Spring Flowers!

Welcome back to your newsletter!


B y l a w s

All of the Bylaws Changes that were mentioned in the last newsletter have PASSED!

To view the changes that have gone through, I have complied them all onto this slideshow. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact President Kayla Goodwin.


Recording Secretary

So there will be no shout out box in the office as planned. Instead, shout outs must be submitted via EMAIL by APRIL 28TH @ MIDNIGHT!


  • Your name

  • Their name

  • Shout out (not long, like 300 words max please)



Culmination is Monday April 28th!

Littles, please have the back of your paddles done by Culmination, and Bigs and Littles should be prepared to stay late if necessary!



  1. Banquet tickets are $15 until SATURDAY April 22nd!

  2. Starting Sunday April 23rd, Banquet tickets will be $20!

  3. Banquet is Sunday April 30th in the GSR from 4pm-8pm!



Elections for the Fall 2017 Exec Team will be on Monday May 1st (the Monday after Banquet). In this history of Elections here at APO, Election have tended to go past nine until VERY late. Please plan to be there the WHOLE time, as it is important and crucial to the election process! Note that now in your bylaws, it is going to become MANDATORY to attend Elections.



Run for Relay 5K - WE RAISED OVER $400!

Please refer to the email sent out last week about important relay info!

Our on site fundraisers at Relay for Life will be:

  • Friendship bracelets

  • Walking tacos

Total raised for our Relay Team: $13,957.55

Hear from Abbey Mac at the Luminara ceremony at Relay for Life! She has a very inspiring and touching speech that you can hear at the Luminara ceremony, so please try to go!


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