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Why We Relay - Relay Information Center

Hello Theta Zeta! Welcome back to another week of the newsletter everyone!! A lot was covered tonight, so I am just going to dive right into it.

REMINDER: Next week's chapter is Big/Little Reveal!! Chapter will be in the GSR, NOT Demeritt!!

This week, most of chapter was dedicated to talking about the upcoming Relay for Life event, which is being held April 27th from 12pm to April 28th at 6am in the Whittemore Center.

First, fellow brother Emma Jones came to talk to the Chapter to talk about Relay for Life, to detail what the money donated is used for, and to encourage all brothers to be more than zero-dollar participants. Zero-dollar participants are those who only "raise" money via the registration fee. Relay actually loses money on zero-dollar participants, so please try to raise some money!! Even the littlest bit counts. If you want to view Emma's presentation, it can be found here.

Why do we relay?

We relay to honor John Grossi, a former APO chair who passed away from cancer in March of 2004. This is the 15th anniversary of APO's Relay team honoring John Grossi, and a big campaign will be developed soon to celebrate the 15th year of our dedication.

John Grossi was an APO Section Chair for section 94 from 1999-2004, when he passed away. He was very active in our chapter of APO; despite living outside Boston, he would often make the trip to Durham to drive brothers to service events, hang out, and then go back home. He was very dedicated to Alpha Phi Omega and our principles of leadership, friendship, and service. Honoring him through our Relay for Life team is a great honor for our chapter.

Relay Update

Goal: $15,000

Current total: $4,985

Keep fundraising!! Share your relay page on Facebook; hopefully friends and relatives will donate to you.

Our Chipotle fundraiser for Relay raised $147.28!! Great job everyone. That's really awesome. Our total is growing! We are approximately 1/3 of the way to our grand total.

Everything!! You Need to Know About Relay

Date: 12pm April 27th - 6am April 28th

Place: Whittemore Center

Service Hours for Walking:

The price for registration increases to $20 on March 4th, and the registration fee increases again to $25 on April 15th. PLEASE REGISTER!!!

If you're wondering about how to register, here are step by step instructions for you to do so:

-Go to -Choose JOIN THIS RELAY -LOGIN or Create an Account -Choose: JOIN A TEAM -Join our team: APO FOR JOHN GROSSI -Pay your registration fee (and donate if you want) and then.... ~SHARE~SHARE~SHARE~ and start raising money!

-Link the fundraiser to your FB page please!!!!!

Don't forget about the sweatpants challenge, even though it's almost over :)

Catherine and Caroline are now accepting designs for the APO for John Grossi t-shirts!!

-The shirt should be purple and white

-The shirt must NOT have APO letters (so PNMs can wear them)

-Should incorporate John Grossi and the 15th year of our team being named after him

Any design ideas should be sent to the PR email address found at the end of the page.

Okay!! That was the bulk of the Relay information. Now back to coverage for the rest of chapter!

Mental Health Minute

Today I shared with chapter about how I like to dedicate a little bit of time each week to reading a fun book to help manage my mental health.

I think reading is really important to help clearing your head at the end of the day, even if you are not a huge reader. Reading a book can help lower the amount of screen time you are exposed to each day, especially before bed. There are numerous health benefits to reading, some of which are listed below. I encourage anyone, whether they are a big reader or not, to at least try this out in one way or another. I don't read anything heavy either; right now I am making my way through the Twilight series again.

Treasurer For anyone who has not paid their dues and/or has NOT been in contact with Anika needs to email her by TOMORROW at the latest or they will be marked inactive. Please email Anika ASAP if you do not want that to happen!!


-Do NOT email either service chair's personal email!! Please email the address provided at the end of the newsletter

-Exec members will take attendance at any events they are signed up for

-Admissions office credit from 2/19 will be posted soon

To celebrate UNH Feminist Week, APO is holding a menstrual product drive to support anyone who menstruates and cannot afford these expensive products, since they are not often donated to shelters or food pantries. For every unopened box or package of menstrual products like pads or tampons you bring to chapter next week, you will receive 0.5 service hours.

Upcoming service projects:


-Banquet is April 28th after Relay

-Go to banquet committee!! See when it meets under the office hours tab on the website


-Retreat is April 13th and 14th

-Go to Retreat committee!! See when it meets under the office hours tab on the website

-Run a workshop!!!

New Member Educators


-Quiz next week

-Pay your dues


-Do the things in the email A$AP Rocky

PNM of the Week: Sophie Baker


-Join bylaws committee!! -Cam won the joke-off as a placeholder for Mohamed, who couldn't be at chapter. The current tally is as follows:

Mike: 2

Mohamed: 3



Also congratulations to brother of the week Erin Gralton!!

-Completed all service hours

-Almost done fellowships

-Sent in photo for picture of the week

Corresponding Secretary

-Sign up for Conclave!!

-Conclave: March 29-31st @ Maine Maritime Academy

-Register online for $55

Theta Zeta wants to start doing pen pals with the UVM APO Chapter!! Take this survey if you are interested in being a pen pal!! We will be writing letters the old fashioned way with brothers from this chapter. It will be super fun!!

March 4th: Big/Little Reveal 8pm in GSR

March 28-30th: Conclave

April 13-14th: Retreat

April 22nd: Culmination

April 27-28th: Relay!!!!!!

April 28th: Banquet

Executive Board Contact Information

Anika (Treasurer):

Julia + Katie (Service) -

Cam (Historian)-

Sam + Brianna (Membership)-

Alex + Kellee (New Member Eds) -

Catherine + Caroline (PR)-

Veronica + Jamie (Fellowship)-

Sarah + Shayna (Fundraising) -

Mike + Mohamed (SAA) -

Everyone else - Please contact their personal emails found on APO Online!!

Thank you if you read all the way to this point!! Email me telling me what book series I am reading right now, and I can give your house the proper point!!



PS- If anyone wants to send me some Thin Mints,

I wouldn't be opposed ;)

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