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Are you (tie) DYING to know what happened at Chapter??

Good afternoon Theta Zeta!! I hope you all are well and are enjoying this beautiful and sunny Tuesday afternoon.

General Updates

-First off, I just wanted to remind everyone that chapter will be held in the Strafford Room in the MUB next week!! We are planning to switch it up a little bit, so do not go to Demeritt.

-This week, our Chapter tried out using APO Online to take attendance at chapter. This is a learning curve for all of us, so we thank you for you patience. The app used geolocation to make sure that you are at Demeritt Hall when you check in to give you credit.

*To use the app, first sign up to attend chapter. Then once there, you can go back to the event and click "check in" to get put on the attendance!

*If you have an iPhone and the app doesn't work for you, try going into privacy in the Settings app and turning on location services for the app.

-Also, the theme for next week is APO pride!! Brothers, wear your letters!! PNMs, wear blue and/or gold!! Participating in the theme gets you a point for your house, so I cannot wait to see everyone prideful of our fraternity <33333

-Scroll down to the PR section to vote on the design for apparel this semester!

-UVM will be hosting a 5K run in honor of a brother Nakisha who passed away last semester. We are trying to get a team together to attend and support them, so be on the lookout. The run is on May 4th.

-Congratulations to our section chair Bre Moreau for winning a DSK award at Conclave!!

Mental Health Minute

-Payton Taylor, a PNM this semester, shared with us her mental health minute this week

-Not going outside can take a major toll on your mental health, so it is so important to find other ways to do fun things instead of staying inside

-Try going to the indoor pool, going to the gym, or climbing on a rock wall at the gym or NHH

Relay for Life

-Our Theta Zeta chapter is donating a luminaria to every chapter in our section in memory of John Grossi

-We will be developing a hashtag to use at Relay

Our Total: $12,918

Total Goal: $15,000


-Retreat is coming up! Reminder the dates are 4/13 + 4/14! The schedules for both days are below:

-During chapter, we voted for who should be receiving the DSK award

-Banquet award nominations!! Click here to nominate people who you think are worthy of winning an award this semester


-Make sure you are working on your service hours so you can get 20 by the end of the semester!

-If you have completed your 20 hours, please do not sign up for capped events so that others can get their hours in and experience new events that are regularly full

-There are a lot of service opportunities on April 12, so if you need hours check that day out


-Banquet tickets are hopefully going up in the MUB ticket office this week, and they will be $15

New Member Educators

-Littles: Make sure you are thinking about your paddles and continue your brother interviews

-Bigs: start thinking about brother names

-PNM service projects are up, and bros should support the PNMs and sign up for them <3


-The following changes to the bylaws were proposed at chapter. There were a lot of different opinions, so the changes will be revisited at Bylaws committee this Friday night


-Relay t-shirts will be $10!! Yay!! They will be up in the ticket office A$AP

-Vote for the sweatshirt design you like the most using the link here

-You know the drill!! Let PR know if you ever want to do a Instagram takeover, and stay tuned for Layla and Juliet's takeover this weekend


-Do you like Coffee Craving?? Do you like fundraising money for Relay?? Well, April 17th is your lucky day. APO is hosting a fundraiser at Coffee Craving from 6:30AM - 5pm on April 17, where 20% of your total will be donated back to Relay for Life

-Fellowship credit will be given to bros who go to Coffee Craving with 4 or more total bros in a car!



-This week, Anika provided an analysis of where all of the dues we all pay at the beginning of each semester goes to. She provided as much information as she could so she could be 100% transparent with our chapter. Thank you Anika!!

Points Update

Important Dates:

April 13-14th: Retreat

April 17th: Coffee Craving fundraiser

April 22nd: Culmination

April 27-28th: Relay!!!!!!

April 28th: Banquet

May 7th: Pup Run 5K

Executive Board Contact Information

Anika (Treasurer):

Julia + Katie (Service) -

Cam (Historian)-

Sam + Brianna (Membership)-

Alex + Kellee (New Member Eds) -

Catherine + Caroline (PR)-

Veronica + Jamie (Fellowship)-

Sarah + Shayna (Fundraising) -

Mike + Mohamed (SAA) -

Everyone else - Please contact their personal emails found on APO Online!!

That's it for this week, everyone! I will be reviewing my evals and report back to you next week <3 If you read all the way down to the bottom, email me and tell me the date of the Coffee Craving fundraiser and if you plan on going for a little surprise!



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