APO is #Pinning
Happy Tuesday to our Bros and PNMs who after last night are OFFICIALLY PNMs! We are all so excited for you to start on your journey to learn what it means to be a Brother of APO and to get to know all of you!
Action Items 🌟
Pay your Dues in the "Fraternity and Sorority" tab of the MUB Ticket Office (they go up by $5 if late!)
Bigs and Littles - complete your preferences by WEDNESDAY NIGHT! (Late submissions will be deleted!)
Sign up for events on APO Online
Take the Serve-eys (if you haven't already)
One for Passion Projects (more info below)
If you were a PNM last semester, go to Office Hours or email Membership to get your certificate!
Earn points for your houses!
As of Monday night, our PNM class of Fall 2019 are officially PNMs! 40 wonderful individuals have taken the pledge to give their all through their education period. Brothers, let's show them what it means to be a member of APO and of this Chapter!
There were a few announcements from Exec that clarified previous ones, if you are still confused on anything please come to Office Hours!
Dues are due! Please pay them (see Action Items for a link) before the Late Fee starts in 2 weeks! Email Cara at apothetazeta.treasurer@gmail.com if you need a payment plan, and if you pay at the ticket office in the MUB itself swipe your ID so we can see who payed the dues!
Bros4Bros, an event where PNMs and Brothers (both Active and Associate!) can run friendship- or leadership-centered activities is in 2 1/2 weeks! A survey will go out next week, so start thinking about any games or leadership activities that you would like to run! The event will be 3 hours and count for 2 Fellowship credits.
PREFERENCES ARE DUE TOMORROW NIGHT (if you are reading this on Tuesday)! Bigs AND Littles need to send in their preferences, please do so ASAP!!!
Keep signing up for Service Projects! Some projects have external links and you can sign up for multiple time slots, so click on events to check their time ranges and find something that works for you!
Also: here's a few clarifications on the Passion Projects, or the ongoing service projects. Please come to Office Hours if you have any questions and our amazing Service Co-Chairs will answer them!
If you would like to do an Instagram Takeover on the APO account to show peeps what cool things you're doing (even everyday cool things!) email thetazeta.apo.pr@gmail.com or slide into their Instagram DMs!
Our Historian Meg gave us Brother of the Week and Sunshine News! 🌞
Congrats to Morgan Oberly for becoming Brother of the Week! 👏
Finally, PLEASE start going to Office Hours or Exec Meetings, taking photos with Exec, do Takeovers, or whatever from this list floats your boat. We're still at 0 Bros - 0 PNMs, so let's get those points rolling!
Open Forum speak
If you don’t sign up for an event on APO Online before going, then you don’t get credit
Sign up for Cycling Wednesday at 5:45, be there at 5:20!
Want to be a Tour Guide? Email Cara
Bylaws committee is this Thursday
Bring acorns & nuts to Office Hours and next Chapter
If you’re turned away for donating blood, let them know bc you still get credit
Deerfield Fair is this weekend- one of the biggest fairs! Fri-Sunday
Wellnessfest this Thursday at HRC!
Peace Corps prep info session Thursdays at 12:30 in Nesmith 111
Anna has those Krispy Kremes baby! Check the last newsletter for her email :)
That's all for this week lovelies! For points, be the first person to email me (personal email) and tell me what the name of this wonderful pup is! (Hint, you may need to read a previous Newsletter, it's the same dog each week).