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Welcome back to Chapter, Theta Zeta! This week is halfway through the semester, and you know what that means... mid-semester evals! Bros and PNMs who were able to make it to Chapter should have gotten the link from the slides, but if it didn't work for you or if you couldn't make it then please email Julia at!

Before I get into the Newsletter, we had to have a serious talk at Chapter- some Brothers have been signing attendances and then leaving events. When other organizations did this at the Take Back the Night event, members of APO stayed and showed that we really do want to serve our campus and have integrity (linked to the definition). Please, remember why you joined, what we stand for, and that you are representing the entire fraternity when you attend events.

One other serious thing this week- Halloween. DO NOT wear your letters or anything with "APO" or "Alpha Phi Omega" on it when you go out, and remember to be safe and responsible, and to have fun! If you have a cool costume or hang out with Bros and get a good photo, send it to


Action Items 🌟


Meal-Packing Task Force (If interested, more info below with Service)

Fall 2019 Retreat (Everyone!)

Fall 2019 Banquet (Everyone!)

Keep signing up for Service and Fellowship Events on APO Online

~1/2 way through the semester = ~1/2 way done Hours

Send in apparel designs by 5:00 pm Monday, vote by midnight Sunday

Email Julia if you did not yet do Evals

Share the Riff Off Event with everyone you know

Send in photos of APO members to

Go to Banquet, Bylaws, and Meal-Packing Committees

Earn more points for your team, Theta or Zeta


Keep signing up for Service Events, especially Retreat! If you're struggling to get enough hours keep an eye out for weekend events- in some you can earn 6 Service Hours in one day! You can also get Service Hours for driving to events off-campus that are at least 15 minutes away, just send in a list of who your APO passengers were to within 48 hours.

If you are interested in joining the Meal Packing Committee- learning more about the project, helping to organize it, and getting Service Hours for working in the committee- take This Survey so Molly and Anika know you're interested! The more people that sign up, the more hunger we can prevent!


Retreat is less than a month away! Bros and PNMs alike can come to (or even lead!) workshops, anything from yoga to Kahoot to an ASL crash course. Even if you can't come, please take This Survey so we can get an estimate of how many members are attending and what y'all would like to see for workshops. Also-if you lead a workshop (it's not scary, I promise) you can earn Fellowship or Service Hours! If you're only available for part of a day that weekend you can sign up for just those hours. More info coming soon!


If you are the first person on APO Online to sign up for an event and no Exec members are signed up, please take and send in Attendance within 24 hours so everyone can be given Fellowship Hours!

PNM Class Reunions (for Spring 2019 and earlier) are Monday, November 4 to Friday, November 8 in Hoco. Sign up on APO Online and hang out with the Brothers that you became Brothers with!

Interested in making this semester's Banquet the BEST EVER? Join Banquet Committee, starting TODAY 6pm-7pm! We need a lot of Bros and PNMs to make this event successful, so if you are able to go please do! Also, even if you aren't planning on going, please take This Quick Survey so food can be planned around allergens so everybody can eat 😊

Thanks to everyone who came to Bros4Bros, it looks like it was a ton of fun! Can't wait to have even more fun at Retreat!


The PNMs have organized their own Service projects, so look on APO Online and sign up if you're able to go- especially if you're a Big and can go to the one your Little is a part of! Email attendance to the NMEs at, not Service, for your Hours!

If you are a Big this semester, start thinking about letters and remember that they may take awhile to come in- get them sooner rather than later, just in case.


Want to have your design for the long-sleeve t-shirts be this semester's design and get it for free? Submit it to by 5:00 pm today! The link to vote will be sent out Wednesday, aka tomorrow, due by Sunday at midnight so that Sophie and Sara can announce the winner at next week's Chapter. Stay tuned and keep an eye on Facebook for more info soon, and as always slide into their DMs to do an Instagram takeover!


Riff-Off tickets are officially for sale! Invite everyone you know, table for tickets to earn Service Hours, and buy tickets for $4 in the MUB office to attend- you also get Fellowship hours but need your ticket for entry!

All of the proceeds from the Riff Off will go towards APO's Relay for Life team, our largest event of the year. This is a cause very close to our Chapter's heart (more on why later in the year), so please help us make sure this event is a success and share share share the event!


Leadership Development Day is THIS SATURDAY! Come meet other APO chapters from our region at UVM and take part in workshops to become more confident in yourself as a leader, and email our Corresponding Secretary Sam if you want to come but didn't take the Survey in Chapter.

(Unfortunately the national pen pals program for APO is no longer taking members for this semester, but if you're interested it should start again next semester so stay tuned!)


Want to know who can decide how Chapter runs? You do! Bylaws Committee is this Thursday at a new time of 1 pm-2 pm, in the comfy chair conference room right outside of the APO office in the MUB! Come check it out 😊


Send photos for the semester's scrapbook to Meg at! Any photos of Bros and/or PNMs (NO ALCOHOL), either at events or just hanging out can be sent in!

Congrats to this week's Brother of the Week, Paige Bartlett, and our first PNM of the Week, Hannah Begley!

Here's some Sunshiney Sunshine News to brighten your week 😊 submit your own with the Sunshine News submission portal (find it here!).


The PNM Class of Fall 2019 has pulled ahead of the Brothers in the Team Theta vs. Team Zeta point competition! Keep earning points for your houses, whichever team has the most points at the end of the semester wins!

Remember to send any point submissions to Julia at the APO President Email, not her personal email as it will most likely get lost. The one exception is if you answer the Newsletter Question (such as this week's question, what day is the first PNM Service Project? It is in the Newsletter, I promise), as these answers are checked before being submitted, so please send them to


Open Forum

(Sophie Baker) Applications for Leadership Camp are out! Go see for yourself why it really is "the best week ever" at UNH, the link is in the Facebook group

(Katie Holden) Go to the super-chill hosted social of Homework & Baking at her Gables apartment, Saturday 11/03 at 1:00pm

Fellowship is looking for people to be photographers for Riff Off, so if you have a decent camera and some photography skills email them at

Interested in becoming a Tour Guide next semester and earning Service Hours as a Passion Project? Applications are only open until Friday, so email Cara at soon

Reminder: you can get Fellowship and Service Hours if you lead a Retreat workshop, submit your workshop ideas in the Survey above, even your wild ones!

(Sarah Shaw) The weekly Cycling is this Wednesday at 5:45 pm, you should go but make sure you sign up on APO Online first for Fellowship credit! Also, the Fierce and Fabulous Expo is Thursday, October 31 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, come check it out and get some free stuff from Sarah 👌


Thanks for reading the Newsletter this week (or at least looking for the dog photo), if you have any questions feel free to email Exec! Here's Bella being unsure about Spooky Season decor, I'll see you all next week.



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