Big-Little Appreciation Week!
Happy Big-Little Appreciation Week Theta Zeta! Whether you are a Big or Little this semester or just in the past, take a moment to do something to show your APO fam how much they mean to you ๐ I unfortunately could not make it to this week's Chapter (I missed you guys!) but the wonderful Corresponding Secretary Sam took notes so here's the Newsletter!
Action Items ๐
Go to Chapter!
Bigs- think about letters and Brother names (survey coming soon)
Littles- keep working on those Brother Interviews
Sign up for upcoming events
Coffee Craving
Hosted Socials
LinkedIn Photos
& more!
Submit Sunshine News and Photos for Scrapbook
Take Retreat Survey (if you haven't already)
Earn points for House Theta or House Zeta
A lot of Brothers and PNMs are low on their Chapter meeting requirements, which makes us pretty sad because as a member of the organization you should want to be a part of we smell, is that it? In order to become a member as a PNM or stay and Active member, you have to go to 9 meetings per semester, and not meeting that requirement means that you either cannot join APO or are removed from Active membership. Please come talk to Julia or email her at if there's something going on, but if not then please come to Chapter so you can be in the know!
This week's Mental Health Minute was lead by Sarah Shaw, who introduced a way to combat some of the seasonal changes in mental health. The decreased daylight has a lot of people feeling down, but Health and Wellness offers *FREE* light therapy in 30 minute sessions- that lets your body synthesize Vitamin D, which is a precursor to serotonin! If you want to schedule an "appointment", go to the Health and Wellness website and the My Health&Wellness tab :)
This week we're bringing back Value of the Week, with the first value being Family to go with Big-Little Appreciation! We are also one big family, with many different lives and paths but connected by Alpha Phi Omega into a family โค
Rebecca Dean presented her Passion Project of STEM Outreach! The group works with girls from Dover, Durham, and Rochester middle schools with projects such as M&M Manufacturing, Chromatography, Binary Coding, Bracelets, and Forensic Sciences to spark interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics that may not have been fostered without this outreach.
Maria and Maison presented their EMS Passion Project this week as part of the volunteer force for McGregor Ambulance Service. They serve four local towns and do a lot of outreach such as CPR classes and offer ride-alongs to those interested in knowing more and experiencing what an EMT does. For anyone interested in the medical field, it is a great way to see traumas and car accidents as a jump-starting experience! Go to the McGregor website to find out more.
Molly and Anika (our SUPERB Service co-chairs) gave an overview of upcoming Service Events- this week has so many! Riff Off, Coffee Craving, Retreat, and other events have a lot of hours available so sign up! APO Online has been on and off and has service scheduled for 11pm-midnight tonight so be aware that if you sign up for an event and your name is removed, please do still go you will get hours!
Kindness Week is coming up and will have a bunch of Service Projects, so stay tuned! Also, thank you to the PNMs for their projects!
Alex and Veronica (the ever-marvelous Membership co-chairs) reminded anyone who didn't already take the *Retreat Survey* to please take it ASAP (this includes Actives, Associates, and PNMs). They also explained what the Distinguished Service Key award was (see the slide) and held a survey vote to see if it should be given out. There was over 2/3 majority vote of "yes", so the DSK will be given out this semester!
Shayna and Kellee wished everyone a happy Big-Little Appreciation Day (and Week)! Littles should be continuing to get their Brother Interviews completed and start thinking about paddles, while Bigs should start thinking about letters and brother names as a survey for this will be sent out within the next two weeks.
Tim and Madison advertised the Hosted Socials happening this week, so sign up ASAP! Banquet Committee was today (again, oops) from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, in which they have decided on a theme...which will be announced next week :)
Chapter was then interrupted for an Icebreaker! Bigs and Littles found three things they had in common with each other, and then joined with another pair and found three things everyone had in common. It was a great learning experience and bonding time for all!
Riff Off is THIS FRIDAY! Sign up for the event as a Fellowship on APO Online, flyering the day of as Service, and whiteboarding any day this week as Service too at your convenience! Share the event on Facebook so we can have as many people enjoy the music and raise money for Relay for Life as possible, and if you are willing to sit in the MUB rooms where the groups are warming up so they're occupied (and APO doesn't get a strike) then please email Fundraising at! Emily and Jamie are also looking for photographers, so please email them if you have a camera and can go.
The LinkedIn Photo fundraiser is in two weeks, which gives us time to invite people and share the event on Facebook, write on the whiteboards around campus, and find photographers for the event! Being a photographer (anyone with a decent camera who can take some photos) or whiteboarding will give you Service hours, while signing up on APO Online and attending will give a Fellowship so find your professional OOTD and go get your photo taken!
Coffee Craving is coming to the Fishbowl (beside the admissions building) TOMORROW! Share the poster on all social medias and go get some really good coffee as a Fellowship or stand outside Hoco and direct people to the Coffee Craving truck for Service hours!
Leadership Development Day happened at UVM! There were lot of Bros from UVM for the workshops on collaboration, balancing self-care and a leadership role, and an "APO after college" workshop! Our SAA Cameron recommends people go next year, or later this year to Conclave at UMaine Farmington-it's a larger version of LD Day and a lot of fun! If you are interested let the Corresponding Secretary know.
Bylaws Committee was today (oops) from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. If you were still not able to go and want to give input email Cam at to find a time that you're able to go!
If you are an Active member or a PNM with fewer than 4 Chapter meetings this semester, you will be receiving an email reminding you to come to meetings so that everyone can stay Active who wishes to.
PLEASE send photos from Fellowships and Service projects to Meg, our wonderful Historian! Any photos that aren't sent simply can't end up in the scrapbook, so send, send, send!
Here's a throwback photo to almost 30 years ago at a gathering of APO!
The Brother of the Week this week is Maddy George, while the PNM of the Week is Hannah Swabowiez. Congrats Y'all!
We also got a record 4 PAGES of Sunshine News this week as Bigs, Littles, and Families showed each other their appreciation- check it out!
The PNMs have lost their lead, as the House of Theta pulls ahead with 39 points. Keep earning points for your houses by doing the things below and sending your proof of pointage to
Feel-Good Boost of the Week
Nobody sent in photos, but here's a feel-good fact: dolphins give each other names!
That's all for this week, unless you're the first person to tell me how many meetings are required per semester for Active Brothers and PNMs.
Until next week!