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Socks and Shirts and Retreat, Oh My!

Hello hello Theta Zeta! This week's Chapter had some crazy socks and a lot of information on upcoming events, especially nominations and elections. Without further ado, let's get to it!


Action Items 🌟

Speak to Service for not-yet-presented Passion Projects

Think about Exec positions- what you want to run for, who you want to nominate, et cetera

Submit your Apparel Order if you 100% want the shirt

Check progress towards Service, Fellowship, and Chapter meetings on APO Online and sign up for events to fill any unmet requirements


Cara started us off with another Mental Health minute, sharing that she enjoys running or exercising to de-stress. Being physically active is a great way to improve mental health, so take advantage of the Hamel Rec Center, intramural sports, and the beautiful College Woods and get moving!


Chapter then moved to the Value of the Week, which is Leadership. As one of the pillars upon which Alpha Phi Omega stands as a fraternity, striving to embody this value is something that all members should pay extra attention to this week.


Elections for next semester's Executive Board are coming up! The elections will be the day after PNMs are initiated so they will be able to vote along with any current Active Brothers. All Actives MUST BE PRESENT for the Election Chapter, make sure you're there if you're Active!

In order to run for a position you must first be nominated by another member on either of the Nomination Chapter days. You may decline a nomination or remove your name before the election, but cannot be nominated if you are not present.


Each Exec position then explained what the responsibilities of their elected role was, as well as the requirements for each. All positions will be holding office hours over the next couple of weeks, so if you have any questions that aren't answered in the slides come on in and ask or email via the Exec emails!


Emma has been chosen as Theta Zeta's Waysmeet Liaison! Waysmeet needs cans of food for the Thanksgiving Baskets, as well as volunteers on November 25-26, so if you are able to go sign up on APO Online and if you have food to donate then give it to Emma at next week's Chapter.

If you have not yet signed up for Retreat this weekend, check out the schedule below and sign up for whatever hours you would like to attend via APO Online! There is also a blood drive coming up in December which can be used for hours, and if you are doing a Passion Project and still need to present then please email Service at so we can make sure that you get your Passion Project Service Hours!

An email will be coming sometime around the 16th regarding progress towards completing the required 20 hours of Service, so keep an eye out and keep signing up for as many events as you are able to if that bar on APO Online looks a bit small.

This week, Sara presented her Passion Project of the Wildcat Fueling Station! This organization run through the Student Nutrition Organization provides healthy energy to UNH's student athletes and needs help! Responsibilities include prepping the food and ensuring that it's safe to eat and running trivia and demos to encourage a balanced diet.


Retreat is THIS WEEKEND!!! Here is the official schedule, and note that Mims and Larry will both be at Retreat! Sign up via APO Online for any times you wish, and remember that this is a great way to get some hours in either Fellowship or Service, whichever you need or even both!


Bigs have some tasks to do from the Facebook page, so if you are a Big this semester and haven't completed the tasks please do so ASAP! Littles...just know that you are doing great and are loved ❤


There is no Banquet Committee this week, but it will be next week at its usual time. Now, for the moment you've been waiting for, the theme for this year's Banquet is...... *drum roll*

Hollywood! Get your formal wear ready for Sunday, December 8th!


The LinkedIn fundraiser is next Wednesday! We want this to be as successful as possible, so share the Facebook event, sign up to whiteboard, or email Fundraising at to take photos! If you need Fellowship hours, a professional photo, or even just want to attend, sign up on APO Online and bring $2 in cash on the day of the event and get your photo taken!


An email will be sent out shortly to Active Brothers and PNMs who have attended fewer than 5 Chapter meetings. Please keep an eye out for this email and make sure that you are fulfilling all of your requirements for your self-designated membership role, we want all of you to succeed!


Orders for apparel are due THIS FRIDAY by midnight! Check your email or Facebook for the link and keep an eye out for payment, which will most likely be $20-$23 per item depending on order size. Keep in mind that due to the Greek lettering on the front, PNMs who order cannot wear this until they are Brothers. Also, sizing is Unisex so base your size request off of this information!


Keep sending in as many photos as you can of Bros and PNMs doing anything related to APO! We need them to make the scrapbook, so sent them to Meg at please!

Congratulations to our Brother of the Week, Loryn Camp, and our PNM of the Week, Evie Proctor! 👏

Here is your Sunshine News for this week, keep sending in submissions and making people smile via the portal on the Wix site!


The Brothers are *just* ahead of the PNMs in a 43-42 split! Keep earning points for your houses by doing any of the things below and staying involved in our Chapter!


Open Forum 🔊

Clarification- PNMs can nominate people for any Exec position except President

Go to Molly's Skip-Bo workshop and Sara & Meg's Trivia and Tea workshop at Retreat!

Go to Improv this Thursday night to see some Bros from APO 😊

Read the Bylaws or talk to Exec if you have any questions about nominations, elections, positions, or anything


The Question of the Week this week is as follows: where is Molly's Skip Bo Fellowship going to be held? This one is a tricky one, but if you have the answer email it to to earn points for your house.

Until next week! LFS ❤


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