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It's KINDa Great ❤

Happy Tuesday everyone! As we start to get near the end of the semester, make sure you're checking your progress towards fulfilling requirements such as Service, Fellowships, and Chapter meetings. This week is Kindness Week, so do something small every day to make a difference in your communities because even the little things can make someone's day!


Action Items 🌟

Pay for shirts (if you filled out the form) and Banquet tickets through MUB Ticket Office

Sign up for events to fulfill requirements

Take the DSK Nomination Survey (link below)

Bigs & Littles- do the things on the Facebook pages :)

Go to the LinkedIn Event, Wednesday 10am - 2:30pm


The value of this week is Kindness, to go along with Kindness Week. It costs nothing to make someone's day with a smile or a gesture!


One of the biggest fundraisers (if not then the biggest) that APO does is Relay for Life. Alexis and Sara, two organizers of the event for UNH, came in and discussed what the event was and what those of us who had gone to a previous one hoped to see this year. Due to construction it will be on the 3rd floor of the Hamel Rec Center this year which will make it homey, so be ready to decorate our home base with everything APO!


This week is the LinkedIn event, so sign up for helping in any way you can! An email will be coming out soon for those who are in danger of not meeting requirements, but if you did Service Hours at Retreat they are not in yet so don't worry (email MEMBERSHIP if you have questions about these hours)!

We also have events each day this week for Kindness Week AND a tag of #APOKindnessWeek, so sign up for any events that you can and tag any photos so everyone can see them! Let's make it trend! 😊


We had 2 Passion Project presentations this week, by Mia for Wildcat Friends and by Julia for Zebra Crossing's!

Mia is a Sophomore Occupational Therapy major (and a PNM this semester, proud of her for presenting in front of Chapter!). She helps with Wildcat Friends, where adults with developmental disabilities come to UNH for recreational, educational, and social activities. It puts a smile on Mia's face to both see and form friendships with the participants, so if you also want to smile reach out!

Julia works with Zebra Crossings, an organization that takes kids with chronic illnesses (diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, etc.) and does recreational activities with them. It's a lot of fun, so reach out to her at or 774-462-9413if you are interested in helping out!


Alex and Veronica extended a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped Retreat go so well- those who lead workshops did a great job and a lot of Bros and PNMs participated, so thanks everybody! Hours will be credited in the coming days, but if you have questions before or after feel free to email Membership at!

Last Chapter the Distinguished Service Key for this semester was approved for nominations, so if you didn't nominate someone yet please take This Four Word Survey and nominate one of the eligible people listed above.


Culmination and Banquet are coming up fast and are MANDATORY for both Bigs and Littles, so Bigs make sure you have signed you and your Little up on the seating chart (coming soon) and that the letters will be in on time! Littles, make sure you're on track to become Brothers and take the survey on Facebook for the Road to Brotherhood scheduling 😊


Banquet Committee is TODAY from 6pm-7pm, so please go even if you haven't in the past- we could really use your help! Banquet MAY OR MAY NOT BE AT THE TIME LISTED, so buy your tickets in the MUB Office but keep an eye on the Facebook page for any changes. Come to the Committee meeting if you have any questions, and do the things listed on the slide!


APO- we raised almost one thousand dollars when the bake sale profits are included, and that all goes to Relay for Life- well done! Let's raise even more for cancer research and treatments in the LinkedIn event- sign up for the Fellowship on APO Online or help out with advertising and running the event, how much can we raise this time?


I will be in the APO Office Friday at 1:00pm if anyone has questions about the Recording Secretary Exec position. If you want to be a part of Exec but aren't sure if you're ready, this is definitely a good first position to dip your toes into but feel free to visit/email/ask questions.


Bylaws Committee is TODAY from 2pm-3pm, so if you have anything about how Theta Zeta is run then go and make change happen because it can only come from members bringing up what they want to be different! Cam will also be in the APO Office from 1pm-2pm today if anyone has questions about Sargent at Arms.


If you have not yet sent in pics to Meg, please do because she gets as happy as Buddy the Elf at Christmastime! Send in photos of anything APO, even if it's just Bros or PNMs hanging out!

Congratulations to our Brother of the Week, Evelina, and our PNM of the Week, Natalya! 👏

And here's your Sunshiney Sunshine News, keep submitting via the portal 🌞


THE PNMs HAVE PULLED AHEAD! Keep earning points and sending in the proof to the President's email, it's not over yet!


Open Forum 🔊

If you filled out the apparel form you MUST pay for the shirt in the MUB Ticket Office

If you did NOT fill out the form you CANNOT pay for the shirt or get it at this point

Fundraising will be going over Relay for Life Registration/info next week in Chapter

Protect our Breasts, an org raising awareness about avoiding products that cause breast cancer, will be tabling at Union Court Wednesday from 11am-2pm. Check them out if you're free!

There are 2 more Chapter meetings, so if you don't already have the requirements completed keep this in mind. One is Culmination but Chapter is beforehand so you can leave right after Chapter if you aren't a Big or a Little.

Xi Sigma Pi, the National Forestry Honors Society, is having a fundraiser (plants?). Contact Devon Guyer if you're interested!

RA Applications are open until January 20th, if you have any questions contact Sophie Baker!

Emma (our Waysmeet Liaison) says thanks for all the food donations, they're going to make a lot of people very happy 😊

Molly and Anika will be collecting Baked Goods in the APO Office for Service Hours credits Thursday and Friday, keep an eye on the Facebook for hours of collection


The Feel-Good Section: Pets of APO

This week's theme in Chapter was sports, so here are some photos of Bro's and PNM's pets being active!


That's all for this week, for a point be the first person to email with the answer to this question- what are three things you can do to help with the LinkedIn event to make it a success?

Have a great week everyone!



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