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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The first round of Nominations for next semester's Exec was this week. If you want to be nominated for a position tell a fellow member to nominate you (you must be at Chapter to be nominated), the current Nominations will be posted to the Facebook group shortly. If there's anyone who you think might be good in a position then please nominate them, as they may not have thought about it yet! If you have any questions email Pres. Julia at


Action Items 🌟

Pay for Apparel (if you filled out the order form)

Buy tickets for Banquet (mandatory for Bigs & Littles)

Send tons of photos to Meg

Think about who you would like to nominate for Exec next week


A quick update on the Banquet situation: there was an issue with our reservation for the GSR at the time originally planned. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available, but the ceremony will still be on the 8th, possibly in the morning. If you are a Big or Little who cannot make it in the morning, please let the NMEs know via the Facebook post or an email (if you don't have Facebook) as soon as possible.


The value of this week is being thankful, so be sure to take the time to recognize the good things that happen in your day-to-day life. At the same time, Thanksgiving tends to be a happy time for people, but if you need support then seek it out and make sure you're doing what you need to do for yourself ❤


Sarah Shaw presented the mental health minute for this week and shared her evening choice of mental self-care: she takes a few minutes and thinks of three things from that day that made her smile, made her heart happy, or made her laugh. This helps Sarah after the bad days recognize that she got through it!


Aila, Maria, and Maison are Attending EMTs for McGregor, who presented today in Chapter to recruit for ride-alongs, EMTs, and even non-medical positions at McGregor. Visit for more info, the link to apply is under the "About Us" tab on their site.


Our Adviser Chelsea presented quickly and encourages all members of APO to apply to be RAs! There are lots of cool people that you will get to work with, it's an amazing experience, and RAs get a free meal plan and single room to themselves! Email Chelsea at if you have any questions.


If you are doing a Passion Project and have not yet presented, please email Service and arrange a date ASAP! Also, Meal Packing Task Force: check your emails for an update!


Hannah Swabowicz presented her Passion Project of Camp Mariposa! The children who attend come from families with drug abuse within them, so Mariposa provides a safe space for them to form connections and apparently eat some really good food.


Anika also presented her Passion Project for the Center for Wildlife where she interned over the summer and continues to volunteer. The Center serves a large area and receives a good variety of animals- each of which needs to be checked in with proper paperwork, which is where Anika comes in. She works the hotline and the front desk, taking reports and filling out paperwork.


Nominate PNMs, Brothers, and Exec for awards using the TinyUrl code above! There are about 22 awards, but you do not have to fill out every nomination- just do your best! There is also a change from past semesters in that Exec awards are being introduced so that awards for Brothers actually go to Active and Associate Bros, so please keep this in mind and don't nominate Exec for any Brother Awards.


Culmination and Banquet are coming up quickly! Culmination is business casual and the Monday when we get back from Thanksgiving break, so clear your calendar if you are a Big or a Little! Bigs, be sure to buy your letters ASAP and reach out to the NMEs if you need help finding letters or staying on a budget, and Littles, talk to the NMEs if you aren't close to fulfilling your requirements to become Brothers. Road to Brotherhood will be next Friday from 1pm-2pm in the MUB Entertainment Center down the hall from the APO Office. Finally, if you cannot make it to Banquet if it is held in the morning, please let the NMEs know, preferably on Facebook but email works if you are unable to access the post.


The APO Relay for Life team is up on the website! Follow the instructions below to sign up if you need help. This is our big fundraising event each year, so please join or at the very least donate!

1) Go to this link 2) Click “Join an Event” 3) Enter the zip code 03824 and then press “Go” 4) Select the Event that is called Relay for Life of UNH on 4/4/20 in Durham 5) Scroll all the way down on the page to where it says “Top Teams” and select APO for John Grossi (this is our team) 6) Click “Join Our Team” and then follow the steps to officially sign up!!


IF you filled out the Google Forms order form for apparel, payment is now posted in the MUB Ticket Office. Please save proof of purchase to pick up your long sleeve t-shirt at Banquet or during Finals.

Associates doing Passion Projects- remember that a takeover may be part of the requirement to get Service Hours so email very soon.


The final Bylaws Committee of this semester will be next Tuesday from 2pm-3pm, please come if you are able! Also, some changes were proposed during the last Committee meeting and will be presented in Chapter next week for voting the week after.


THE SCRAPBOOK-MAKING PROCESS HAS BEGUN! Meg really really really needs photos, so send anything APO related to the Historian email ASAP!

Meg's vision for the scrapbook is as above, split into the three pillars of APO and then further into the events throughout the semester. Send in everything and anything that includes any of these things!

Congratulations to the Brother of the Week, Caterina, and the PNM of the Week, Forrest! 👏

Here's two pages of your Sunshiney Sunshine News for this week!


Open Forum 🔊

(Emma Bragg) Thanks everyone for donating food to Waysmeet, it made everyone there really happy, and thanks to the Bros and PNMs who helped bring it all to Waysmeet! Go today to the Waysmeet Basket Packing and Food Pantry (even though it says it's closed) because they could use the help and won't turn you away!

(Anika Frink) Sigma Alpha's philanthropy event, Coco and Crafts, is next Monday from 6pm-8pm. Buy your tickets at the MUB Ticket Office or at the door, it'll be in the Strafford Room at the MUB!

If you are part of Paul College and are interested in doing volunteer tax returns for those who need help, UNH has a program-VITA-and you can use this as a Passion Project for next semester! Email for more info.

(Sara Manzelli) If you need help or support over Thanksgiving (it's not a happy time for everyone) then please make sure you're getting the time and support that you need ❤


Have a great break Theta Zeta, and be the first person to answer this week's question: what photos can you send to the Historian?



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