Whale-come PNMs!
Hello again Brothers and a HUGE welcome to our Spring 2020 PNM class!
The semester is speeding up and so is APO! I hope everybody is having a blast this year! Last night was the first Chapter meeting that the PNMs joined us and we are so excited for them to begin their journey to become Brothers!
Action Items 🌟
NEXT CHAPTER IS PINING! Dress business casual!
Dues will be up ASAP! Go the the MUB ticket office, or to the MUB ticket office website. Make sure you pay the correct one (PNMs dues vs. Brother dues)!
Bros: be a Big! Join the Facebook group "APO BIGS SPRING 2020" and complete the survey and slides ASAP
Littles: Joing the Facebook group "APO LITTLES SPRING 2020" and complete the survey and slides ASAP
Earn some points for your house, more info below!
Sign up for Service Projects, Fellowships, and Big/Little Mixers on APO Online
This week in Chapter the Exec board for this semester introduced themselves and explained a bit about their positions. If you want to know more about them - check out the tab "Exec Spring 2020" on this website!
Our President, Alex, started off chapter by giving everyone a big welcome!
Our value of the week is Open-mindedness! Very fitting!
Alex introduced our advisors: Mims, Chelsea, and Megan!
We did have a moment of very serious warnings- APO has a STRICT no-alcohol policy. This means no socials, big/little interactions, or social media posts can have alcohol in them. Brothers: if you have letters in your bio or on your person and post a photo of yourself drinking there will be consequences. Please don't put yourselves into a bad position, be smart about what you post!
Sarah Shaw (one of our New Member Ed co-chairs) did a mental health minute on the importance of sleep! There's alot of research on how important sleep is and how going to bed and waking up at a consistent time can contribute to your over all well-being. Be at your peak performance! Try your best to have regular sleeping habits!
We had a guest speaker at chapter! Tiffany Legare from the Admissions Office and the Shadow a Wildcat program came to tell us the details about this incredible opportunity! Shadow a Wildcat is a personalized visit experience for prospective students!
The program matches your schedule with a visiting student, you take them to a class (get your professor's permission first!) and then take them for a meal! (If you don't have a meal plan - Admissions will cover the cost). It is low commitment and so very important! It is also a resume builder!
You can get more information by reaching out to Tiffany at Tiffany.Legare@unh.edu, or stopping by Smith Hall!
Our Treasurer, Gabriella, gave us some very important information about DUES!
This semester's Membership co-chairs are Julia and Shayna! They want to make sure you have taken the membership survey!!! If you are a senior - make sure to join the facebook page to keep in touch about important details!
Survey Link: https://tinyurl.com/apostatus2020
Our PNMs recognized some familiar faces when our New Member Ed Co-Chairs, Meg and Sarah, introduced themselves!
Tell your friends or anyone you hear is interested in APO that IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN! Have them come to the PNM Meeting sunday 6-7 pm!
Here are their important updates:
Our out of this world Service Co-Chairs are Madison and Jaime!
They wanted to clarify some policies about service projects. There are some awesome upcoming service projects on APO Online - check them out!
Also, take this SURVEY!
Forrest and Haley are our Fellowship Co-chairs!
Here are some updates and yet another SURVEY!
Today at chapter our Fundraising Co-Chairs Brianna and Kate were appointed! A big welcome to them!
They made a big splash and are ready for you to sign up for RELAYYYYYY!
Anika is our Corresponding Secretary! A huge part of her position has to do with Conclave!
See the slide below for more info! I hear it's an AMAZING time and such a great way to immerse yourself in all things APO!
I'm your recording secretary Sara! I know you know how to get here, but if your fellow APO friends don't...... here's a reminder
Our perfect Public Relations co-chairs are Ally and Cassidy!
They have a super fun SURVEY about APPPAREL!!!!! Also, do a takeover on instagram or snapchat!
Our Sargent At Arms this semester is Molly! She asks that any Brothers and PNMs interested in Bylaws Committee join her every Wednesday from 2:30 pm to 3:30pm in the APO Office!
Sophie is our hilarious historian! She had some fun brother/pnm of the week and sunshine news to announce!
This week's Brother of the Week is Brianna Kelly! 👏 Congrats!
The PNM of the week is all of our new members!!!! Welcome once again! We are so happy to have you join!
To brighten up the chapter & newsletter: SUNSHINE NEWS!!!
If you are new to APO or need a refresher on how to earn points for your house, here's a quick refresher: any of the above actions can earn points! Please note that only one photo per Exec member will earn you points, and get consent before snapping a selfie!
This semester you will be gaining points based on whether you joined APO in a Fall or Spring Semester!
Open Forum
Sophie: Orientation Leader applications on Handshake!
Evie: welcome pnms!!!
Jack: good luck on RA application process!
Julia: ABC during spring break (check our wildcat link!)
Wed 2/5 @ 7 pm = trip pick, make sure to fill out the Participant applicant form
Natayla: stay healthy! If you're sick please stay home! TAKE CARE OF YOU!
Bri: Semester in the City is a great opportunity!
Meaghan: Study abroad fair!!! go!! it's an amazing opportunity!
Ellen: blood drive all week in the MUB – service hours!!!
Gabriella: join the Italian-American Culture Club. The first meeting is Friday!
Loryn: President Dean is holding a meeting about the recent lay-offs. Attend if you are interested!
Julia Caddell: Zebra Crossings is an incredible program, reach out for more info!
You can find any member in our chapter's contact information on APO Online! (I will also do better in the future to include contact emails!)
That's all for this week's Newsletter!