Anddd we're back!
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great first week and are getting ready to have APO back in person!
- next week we have four exec members and two advisors to vote in.
- Also a reminder to make your APO online info public! it will make contacting you and others so much easier for our upcoming in person events!
-and if you haven't heard some of the most exciting news of the week..... chapter will be back in person for the semester!
-Don't forget to check Facebook for other news and frequent updates!
-Talk to Brooke if you have any interest in Bylaws committee
- the service survey!
- start on your hours now! Sign up on APO online :)
-another survey to take that can help create the best semester in APO yet!
- Don't forget about this survey! It was sent in an email but just in case you missed it
- Hype up APO and spread the word!! Our amazing NME have high hopes for PNM numbers this semester and spreading the word any way you can will help! This is also a service event for this week! Help our Organization grow!
- Dues should be up by the end of this week. Get ahead of the deadline and pay soon!
-Don't forget to take pictures at APO events and send them in!
Brother of the week nominations:
One of the exciting plans from fundraising!
AND our last slide from chapter.....THE TOAST SONG!!!