"Check" this out!
Happy Tuesday all! From checkers to polka dots to stripes and more, chapter last night was packed with different patterns as everyone showed up wearing the theme to win their house points! Here what else happened in chapter last night!
Drawing ice breaker!
- House points- winning team gets pizza party to win
- Wear patterns to chapter for a house point
- House Theta won 10 points and house Zeta 18 !!
- with Zeta earning 8 points more at chapter, don't forget to earn and send in proof to win your house points!
Bylaws committee is a great opportunity to get involved! Email Brooke about it!
-As of now, off campus events are cancelled but don't fret! We will discuss the possibility of a defensive driving course to allow for off campus events next week at chapter.
- NME Emma Bragg is one of the planners for this event through her major and gourmet dinner is so fun to help out with, how could you resist signing up to help on November 5th and 6th from approx. 5-9.
- The amount of Fellowships throughout the week are changing from 5 to 4.
- Double check APO online if event is till happening, sometimes there are not enough people signed up!
- super cool events planned this week AND one of them is our interchapter event!!! We get to meet some of the great brothers at U of New Haven so big week ahead!
-Reach out if you are interested in being a membership co-chair!
- syllabus was agreed on!
-Don't forget to keep an eye out for big little mixers
10/10 pinning
10/24 big little reveal
11/21 culmination
12/5 banquet!
- Don't forget to pay your dues! Dues due Friday October 15th at midnight. Pay online or in person at ticket office!
- reach out if you need a payment plan!
- we also learned in chapter that Jill was a model when she was younger....for Hannaford's! we are hoping for pictures of this next chapter!
- APO snapchat! send in some snaps of you and your brothers at events so PR can screenshot them and send them to the historian for the scrapbook this semester!
- Check out wildcat link to see all the MUB events! They can count for external service hours
- Next week first PNM of the week
- Jam board next week is what makes you feel calm
- Put picture of you on APO online
- Brother of the week https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2d7NcbZRzeflV119OiECC0x5h-lCYhsBJuKhct6kXGgRQpg/viewform?usp=sf_link
- next weeks Jam board! what makes you feel calm! https://jamboard.google.com/d/1CzTPBFXUS5nbgXMHWpXJLIktHdZJqQxG-cFgITTnrKc/viewer?f=0
- Congrats Alyssa!
- Riff off October 22 at 7 pm
- Lots of service opportunities
- Tickets approx. 5$ per ticket. Open to all UNH. 600 seats
- Ticket price goes to relay for life team!
- Zoom interchapter event on September 23 from 7-8 pm
- Not a competition! It is Just for fun!
Evie -I recommend everyone to be a big, it is a great way to form a tight connect with everyone at APO
- Go to interchapter event! it is great to meet other people from another chapter and gives you and easier time later in the semester when we meet up with the other chapters so that you might see someone you know!
Lauren – blood drive downtown this week!
Emma Bragg- hold tight on requests to join wildcat link, but join APO online. Love you all have a great day
Have a great rest of your week! See you all at chapter next Monday!