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Spring Mid-Semester !

It's the middle of the semester, and everyone knows what that means...


If you weren't at chapter yesterday or even if you are an associate, please fill them out! The feedback is super important to the Exec board!


- Important Dates are listed above, so make sure to mark your calendar because a lot of these big, exciting events are coming up!

- Jamie's Office Hours: Thursdays at 10-11am

- I'm on the Leadership Committee and it is super fun, and there is still time to join! Meetings are every two weeks and the next Leadership Committee is April 5th at 6pm!

We have a month long service project for Feminine Product Donations!

- Drop off up to 3 packages of feminine products to the APO Office in the MUB at the times listed above!

- Sign up for your drop-off time on APO Online and an Exec member will be in the office to take attendance and record how many packages you bring!

- Each package of products is worth .5 hours with a maximum of 3 packages.

- You can only sign up for one day of drop-offs!

We also have a semester long service project with Seacoast Reads!

- Email if you want to participate in the Seacoast Reads Letter Exchange!

- You must send two letters and each is worth .5 hours!

- Sign up on APO Online for more information!

- Here is the schedule for this week!

- Reminder that you do not need to be on Zoom for the Cards for Health Care Workers project!

- Reminder for PNM's to work on your fellowship hours, service hours, and your Brother Interviews! (PSA: I would be happy to be a brother that you interview! Just contact me through anything I have up on APO Online!)

- For the rest of the brothers, PNM hosted fellowships and service projects will be up on APO Online soon!

**Reminder for Seniors!!!**

- Tell your friends who are inactive that you they need to pay for their Senior stoles in the MUB Ticket Office by the end of May!

- They are $47!

- Active and associate members do not need to pay for their stoles because you pay for them in your dues!


- Nominations for awards will open next week, so start thinking about people you want to nominate!

- You can look at the information for each award here:

- Retreat: April 25th from 12-4pm

- You can get a lot of your fellowships and service hours at Retreat!

- Schedule will be available soon!

- We need more people to host workshops!! Fill out this form if you are interested:

- Reminder that dues are now due March 27th!

- After March 27th at midnight, you will have to pay a $3 late fee!

- You can only pay your dues on the MUB Ticket Office Website, NOT on APO Online!

- Morgan can still help you with a payment plan!

- Everyone should have at least 50% of their attendance at chapter meetings, so make sure to come if you are not an associate!

- Next Bylaws: Thursday at 4:30-6pm with the topic on editing and updating the bylaws!

- Mike will be explaining the voting procedures next week and we will vote next week!

- Look at the QR code for a presentation on the changes to the Pandemic Proceedings that we will be voting on next chapter!

- If you see any spelling or grammatical errors, or you have any questions or concerns, email Mike!

- Here's the fellowship schedule for this week!

- I'm plugging for my Criminal Minds Kahoot on Friday at 7pm and for the other fellowships hosted by the rest of the Exec!

Banquet has been scheduled for Saturday May 8th!

The schedule for Conclave is out!

Friday April 9th 7-9pm: Make your own crime scene Competition

Saturday April 10th: All day Virtual Clue

- Opening Ceremonies: 8:45am

- Workshops: Starting @ 9am (including Virtual Chapter Morale & Operations, Virtual Recruitment, Professional Development, Self Care, and more)

Mental Health Minute with Evie Proctor: It’s been really nice out, so I have been going outside and taking a nap on a hammock! You can get one cheap on Amazon and it is really calming to be wrapped around in it!

Congrats to the Bro of the Week Aubrey! We are so lucky to have you!

Congrats to Casie for being such a positive light in APO and during PNM meetings!


Keep signing up for relay!

Top Donors Update! We are getting closer to our goal!

Bracelets and stickers are still up for sale, but Kayla and Jill have been put into quarantine, so they will be emailing people who have signed up soon about their preferred method of getting them!

- Sweatshirts (hoodies) have won the survey for the apparel for this semester!

- If you have Emma any designs, send them to her email!

- Emma is hoping to order the sweatshirts by next week!

Morgan Parrish- Talked about what Conclave is about and how you get to interact with a lot of chapters with discussion based workshops that are super fun!

Evie Proctor- Everyone should go to Morgan’s fellowship on Thursday because she is so passionate about cartoons!

Payton Lacroix- Vote for your student body President, VP, and Senate! Information should already have been sent to your school email!

Jillian Poirier- Come to her fellowship because she is in quarantine and wants to have some social interactions!

That is all for this exciting week! It has been super nice outside, so try to go outside and get some Vitamin D and fresh air!


Rachel Langer <3


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